Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Fantasy Shopping
I feel as though the title of this post is pretty self explanatory. Expensive, unfindable, or imaginary.

Peace, love, and free things (because who doesn't love free things?)
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
What Solitaire Teaches Me About Life
If you haven't figured it out by my other posts, I love learning lessons. Life lessons, school lessons (occasionally), lesson lessons. I learn lessons from the weirdest things. Today, that weird thing happens to be Solitaire.
Why Solitaire, you ask? Well, due to the fact that I really don't feel like undertaking the undertaking that is my communications homework (I have no clue why I took two communications classes this semester, not my cup of tea at all), playing endless rounds of Solitaire sounds like a fantastic way to procrastinate. Randomly, while playing yet another game, I wondered what the point of Solitaire was. Why play it at all? It's just a stupid game, a waste of time. That's when I thought about all of the deep and thought provoking life lessons I have learned from a simple card game (which is my excuse to continue to play it and avoid my homework).
It's confusing as hell, but you can always ask for hints- Sometimes, I just have no clue where to put that stupid four of spades. Thankfully, there is a handy dandynotebook hint button that is there for your use (on my computer, I just press H). Life is kinda like that too. There are times when I have no clue where to go or what to do, and just need to turn to a higher power/my parents and friends, in order to figure things out. No shame in hitting that H every once in a while, as long as you are prepared to return the favor . --Insert cove/rendition of Lean on Me here--.
You lose occasionally, but there is always a new game- You aren't hired for every job, every person that you like won't like you back, and sometimes there is this season called winter that makes me wish that hibernation was something that humans did regularly. If you had everything that you wanted, life would suck. Think of all of the unsuitable partners, jobs that you'd hate, and physical and metaphorical junk that overcrowd your life. Argh. I would be a marine-biologist-priest-writer with some of the skeeziest husbands ever, and own a feret, parrot, turtle, dolphin, dog, cat, and frog with tons of tattoos, dreadlocks, and always wear those skirts that go down to your ankles. Oh, and my room would be decked out in Harry Potter and Gilmore Girls. Basically, I would be the hippie/punk/weird female version of Sister Wives and live in PetsMart (I went through an animal phase when I was little). Scary. In the words of Brand New, "everything that I own, starts to pile up like bones, to make the walls of a prison". Scarier.
Plus, losing makes all of the wins that much better. My current win rate is 14%. You'd better believe that I cherish each and every one of those victories. (Yes I suck at Solitaire, and yes I have no life.) I am hired for maybe one out of every twenty jobs I apply for, which makes me appreciate the jobs that I have earned that much more. There is more than one match in a matchbox for a reason. The first one doesn't always create a flame. Maybe the second one does though, and then you have a fire.
On a random note, Jimmy Eat World's, The Middle, has been stuck in my head while I was writing this chunkster of a paragraph, so here it is for your listening entertainment.
Everything is better with music. Everything. Solitaire, washing the dishes, homework, riding a dolphin(although if you're riding a dolphin, I don't know if anything could make that better. Probably not). Even reading this post. If you aren't listening to music while you read this, I feel super bad for you. So bad, in fact, that I am giving you an additonal music video for your listening pleasure. I am debating on doing a purely music post at some point, so I am not going to name specific songs, but my Pandora has been loving life lately, and has been throwing down some amazing new songs and artists.
Solitaire is fun. Life is fun. You are fun.
Why Solitaire, you ask? Well, due to the fact that I really don't feel like undertaking the undertaking that is my communications homework (I have no clue why I took two communications classes this semester, not my cup of tea at all), playing endless rounds of Solitaire sounds like a fantastic way to procrastinate. Randomly, while playing yet another game, I wondered what the point of Solitaire was. Why play it at all? It's just a stupid game, a waste of time. That's when I thought about all of the deep and thought provoking life lessons I have learned from a simple card game (which is my excuse to continue to play it and avoid my homework).
It's confusing as hell, but you can always ask for hints- Sometimes, I just have no clue where to put that stupid four of spades. Thankfully, there is a handy dandy
You lose occasionally, but there is always a new game- You aren't hired for every job, every person that you like won't like you back, and sometimes there is this season called winter that makes me wish that hibernation was something that humans did regularly. If you had everything that you wanted, life would suck. Think of all of the unsuitable partners, jobs that you'd hate, and physical and metaphorical junk that overcrowd your life. Argh. I would be a marine-biologist-priest-writer with some of the skeeziest husbands ever, and own a feret, parrot, turtle, dolphin, dog, cat, and frog with tons of tattoos, dreadlocks, and always wear those skirts that go down to your ankles. Oh, and my room would be decked out in Harry Potter and Gilmore Girls. Basically, I would be the hippie/punk/weird female version of Sister Wives and live in PetsMart (I went through an animal phase when I was little). Scary. In the words of Brand New, "everything that I own, starts to pile up like bones, to make the walls of a prison". Scarier.
Plus, losing makes all of the wins that much better. My current win rate is 14%. You'd better believe that I cherish each and every one of those victories. (Yes I suck at Solitaire, and yes I have no life.) I am hired for maybe one out of every twenty jobs I apply for, which makes me appreciate the jobs that I have earned that much more. There is more than one match in a matchbox for a reason. The first one doesn't always create a flame. Maybe the second one does though, and then you have a fire.
On a random note, Jimmy Eat World's, The Middle, has been stuck in my head while I was writing this chunkster of a paragraph, so here it is for your listening entertainment.
Everything is better with music. Everything. Solitaire, washing the dishes, homework, riding a dolphin(although if you're riding a dolphin, I don't know if anything could make that better. Probably not). Even reading this post. If you aren't listening to music while you read this, I feel super bad for you. So bad, in fact, that I am giving you an additonal music video for your listening pleasure. I am debating on doing a purely music post at some point, so I am not going to name specific songs, but my Pandora has been loving life lately, and has been throwing down some amazing new songs and artists.
Solitaire is fun. Life is fun. You are fun.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Love Cliches and Why They Are Still Awesome
As you guys know by my previous post, I am currently (and happily) in a relationship. That totally might skew my perception on love cliches. That being said, I don't like when guys that I date use things that have already been done before. Reduce Reuse Recycle is not the motto for a successful relationship for a reason. Relationships aren't meant to be carbon copies of someone else's relationship, whether that be on television, in books and songs, or even borrowing from your friends and their significant others. However, in this day and age, where pessimists say that everything has been done before, sometimes it is inevitable, and even nice, to revert back to the classics.
Kissing in the rain
While Jenna Marbles may disagree with me, I find kissing in the rain to be incredibly romantic. I have done this a time or two, and it has always been weirdly enjoyable. At this point, both individuals in the relationship are most likely freezing to death, resemble a wet dog, and are failing at attempting to deflect water (rain drops falling in your eyes=hell), yet they are still kissing anyways. That is some serious dedication. Plus, it's in The Notebook, and if you aren't a sucker for that film, then you are just one sad individual.
Anything involving a bedroom window and/or a boombox
Made popular by Sixteen Candles (see the classic scene, pictured below) and other 80s movies, reinvented by Easy A, mentioned by Taylor Swift, who doesn't love a good window/boombox scene? Bonus points if it's a song you love, or that signifies your relationship. One of my best (platonic) friends attempted to do this for me once, but it massively failed since my window faces the backyard and the music was coming from her car. Still, it was extremely awesome that she put forth the effort (the thought definitely counts). My personal favorite rendition is Fall Out Boy's Dance Dance. I forget if there is actually a boombox involved, but I love it nonetheless. And sorry for another Skins video, I just cannot get enough of that show.
Flowers and Chocolates
Free food is always a good time, especially if it's sugar. Especially if it's one of those boxes with the variety of different flavors. Picking out the random ones and trying to guess the flavors is always really fun. Entertainment and deliciousness (most of the time, unless you bite into one those gross cherry ones) is a double win.
As for flowers, flowers are beautiful, no matter what kind they are (unless they are yellow carnations and it's not an inside joke, that just equals cringe worthyness). My personal favorites are daisies and dandelions (because they are fun, you can make a wish on them, they are yellow, and picking them from the ground is more difficult than buying them, because the stems reek). Flowers are also costly, so the fact that someone buys you flowers is a decently big deal. Way to be, dude.
Kissing in the rain
While Jenna Marbles may disagree with me, I find kissing in the rain to be incredibly romantic. I have done this a time or two, and it has always been weirdly enjoyable. At this point, both individuals in the relationship are most likely freezing to death, resemble a wet dog, and are failing at attempting to deflect water (rain drops falling in your eyes=hell), yet they are still kissing anyways. That is some serious dedication. Plus, it's in The Notebook, and if you aren't a sucker for that film, then you are just one sad individual.
Anything involving a bedroom window and/or a boombox
Made popular by Sixteen Candles (see the classic scene, pictured below) and other 80s movies, reinvented by Easy A, mentioned by Taylor Swift, who doesn't love a good window/boombox scene? Bonus points if it's a song you love, or that signifies your relationship. One of my best (platonic) friends attempted to do this for me once, but it massively failed since my window faces the backyard and the music was coming from her car. Still, it was extremely awesome that she put forth the effort (the thought definitely counts). My personal favorite rendition is Fall Out Boy's Dance Dance. I forget if there is actually a boombox involved, but I love it nonetheless. And sorry for another Skins video, I just cannot get enough of that show.
Flowers and Chocolates
Free food is always a good time, especially if it's sugar. Especially if it's one of those boxes with the variety of different flavors. Picking out the random ones and trying to guess the flavors is always really fun. Entertainment and deliciousness (most of the time, unless you bite into one those gross cherry ones) is a double win.
As for flowers, flowers are beautiful, no matter what kind they are (unless they are yellow carnations and it's not an inside joke, that just equals cringe worthyness). My personal favorites are daisies and dandelions (because they are fun, you can make a wish on them, they are yellow, and picking them from the ground is more difficult than buying them, because the stems reek). Flowers are also costly, so the fact that someone buys you flowers is a decently big deal. Way to be, dude.
(Is it sad that I added flowers onto this mainly so that I could post pictures of flowers?)
Sunday, January 27, 2013
All of the nights, why did my lover have to pick last night to get down?
I am going to apologize right up front. This is going to be one of those boyfriend brag posts. As a singleton, I hated those like taking science midterms (but when you have a boyfriend, suddenly, you devour these posts like crazy. So weird). Therefore, I figured I'd warn anyone viewing this so that you have an opportunity to quit reading and go play outside or (if it's like the Antarctica, which, according to my profile, is where I currently reside) do something else that makes you smile. Oh, and here is an article about all of the fun single things you can do (I've only been off the market for a month, so I still feel single sometimes. Plus, being single is super fun).
Here it is.
Last night, Dan, aka my boyfriend decided that he was going to surprise me. Fuck fuck fuck, the alarm bells went off in my head. Boyfriend surprises scare me to no end. In my past, they have either been over the top (a class ring given to me on Christmas three months into my first high school relationship) or downright awful (a Disney gum-wrapperesque wallet thing. Even if I liked Disney at all, it was just plain ugly). And I always have to fake like I like the surprises, which is never fun. Awkwardness abounds. Plus, in relationships, do you ever have that feeling like a bad surprise/ gift signifies that your significant other doesn't know you or that there is a lack of communication or something (and before you think I am a super ungrateful primadonna, I only exchange gifts with significant others on birthdays, yearaversaries, and Christmas, and I do appreciate the thought behind them, even if they do suck.)?
Anyway, needless to say, I spent the rest of the night after that avoiding Dan and his "surprise". But, since we live next door, it was pretty easy for him to find me, and find me he did, wearing his spirit wear sweatshirt and carrying a drawstring bag. He handed me a coded note, badly drawn picture included, that basically said the we were going to DRINK and WATCH UK SKINS on Netflix (aka the best show ever, see my previous post). Wow. I was definitely not ready for that one. Since he knows that I don't like "real dates" (too many awkward moments, and I am one of "those girls" that hates when guys pay). So he whips out some Barefoot wine and beer (any excuse to use my newly pilfered-from-my-mom-corkscrew-bottle-opener-combo is a good time) . He also proceeds to whip off his sweatshirt. Underneath, he was wearing this really nice argyle sweater that he knows I love. Damn. I am definitely dating the right kid. Needless to say, the rest of the night was quite enjoyable.
Here it is.
Last night, Dan, aka my boyfriend decided that he was going to surprise me. Fuck fuck fuck, the alarm bells went off in my head. Boyfriend surprises scare me to no end. In my past, they have either been over the top (a class ring given to me on Christmas three months into my first high school relationship) or downright awful (a Disney gum-wrapperesque wallet thing. Even if I liked Disney at all, it was just plain ugly). And I always have to fake like I like the surprises, which is never fun. Awkwardness abounds. Plus, in relationships, do you ever have that feeling like a bad surprise/ gift signifies that your significant other doesn't know you or that there is a lack of communication or something (and before you think I am a super ungrateful primadonna, I only exchange gifts with significant others on birthdays, yearaversaries, and Christmas, and I do appreciate the thought behind them, even if they do suck.)?
Anyway, needless to say, I spent the rest of the night after that avoiding Dan and his "surprise". But, since we live next door, it was pretty easy for him to find me, and find me he did, wearing his spirit wear sweatshirt and carrying a drawstring bag. He handed me a coded note, badly drawn picture included, that basically said the we were going to DRINK and WATCH UK SKINS on Netflix (aka the best show ever, see my previous post). Wow. I was definitely not ready for that one. Since he knows that I don't like "real dates" (too many awkward moments, and I am one of "those girls" that hates when guys pay). So he whips out some Barefoot wine and beer (any excuse to use my newly pilfered-from-my-mom-corkscrew-bottle-opener-combo is a good time) . He also proceeds to whip off his sweatshirt. Underneath, he was wearing this really nice argyle sweater that he knows I love. Damn. I am definitely dating the right kid. Needless to say, the rest of the night was quite enjoyable.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Rejected, Rejected, You Just Got Rejected
Stress. Stress. Stress. I am so many different levels of stressed it is unreal.
Unfortunately for me, my camp didn't rehire me because I want to work with teens (and they want me to work with younger kids). Not going to lie to you guys, I am super humiliated and hurt about this. In fact, I wasn't even going to post about it, but admittance is the first step to the healing process and all, so why not. Plus, everyone has been rejected from something at some point in their lives (insert section where I discuss all of the successful famous people who've been turned down). I'm not alone. Now, neither are you. Rejection sucks. It sucks a whole helluvalot.
On the brightside, I am now in the process of filling out every camp application that I can find, including some that are completely out of my reach, just because I can (and if you know any camps that are hiring, I would love to hear about them). Treks for teens in New Mexico, camps for kids with special needs, academic camps, slightly creepy religious camps, you name it, I am applying for it. Wish me luck, I definitely need it quite a lot. That and a chill pill, because, as I said in the opening of this post, I am superduper stressed.
Thankfully, I also have a ton of people that are reassuring me that everything isn't doomed just because I was rejected from my camp. My best friend and roommate has given me unlimited access to her envelopes (for the applications) and hugs, and my boyfriend has been extremely supportive and even sent me a slew of happy internet things (a few of which are pictured below) to make me feel better. He is definitely a keeper.
Anyways, if you were recently rejected, or if you're stressed, or anything that isn't your best and happiest, and you don't have a super awesome boyfriend or best friend to send you random happy things from the internet at the moment, today is YOUR lucky day!
If that doesn't help, just give someone a hug and smile. It weirdly helps, no lie.
Peace, Love, and Cookie Flavored Tea.
Unfortunately for me, my camp didn't rehire me because I want to work with teens (and they want me to work with younger kids). Not going to lie to you guys, I am super humiliated and hurt about this. In fact, I wasn't even going to post about it, but admittance is the first step to the healing process and all, so why not. Plus, everyone has been rejected from something at some point in their lives (insert section where I discuss all of the successful famous people who've been turned down). I'm not alone. Now, neither are you. Rejection sucks. It sucks a whole helluvalot.
On the brightside, I am now in the process of filling out every camp application that I can find, including some that are completely out of my reach, just because I can (and if you know any camps that are hiring, I would love to hear about them). Treks for teens in New Mexico, camps for kids with special needs, academic camps, slightly creepy religious camps, you name it, I am applying for it. Wish me luck, I definitely need it quite a lot. That and a chill pill, because, as I said in the opening of this post, I am superduper stressed.
Thankfully, I also have a ton of people that are reassuring me that everything isn't doomed just because I was rejected from my camp. My best friend and roommate has given me unlimited access to her envelopes (for the applications) and hugs, and my boyfriend has been extremely supportive and even sent me a slew of happy internet things (a few of which are pictured below) to make me feel better. He is definitely a keeper.
Anyways, if you were recently rejected, or if you're stressed, or anything that isn't your best and happiest, and you don't have a super awesome boyfriend or best friend to send you random happy things from the internet at the moment, today is YOUR lucky day!
Peace, Love, and Cookie Flavored Tea.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Whales and Life
It's weird how art can make you think. As I was searching for a picture to post for my profile (because so many people look at it and all, haha), I stumbled upon this picture of a whale under the ocean. While to some (myself included), it may appear to be super ominous or just a stupid cartoon, I see it as something else entirely. In life, maybe we are all just that little boat, gliding along the surface of the ocean, completely at ease with life or completely blase towards it, thinking that there is nothing more than we already know. However, there will always be giant-ass whales creeping below the water, just waiting to either eat us or give us the best photo opportunity we have ever encountered. With all of that meaning, how could I not pick this for my profile picture (because having a picture of my actual face would be to mainstream, gosh.)?
Look for the whales.
Look for the whales.
Sunshine, there ain't a thing that you can do that's gonna ruin my night
Up in this part of the world, the temperatures haven't been in the double digits for over a week now. Windchill is the new four letter word, and the sky looks like nasty paint water after you finish a picture. Gross.
Because of this, here are some nice weather photos, just in case you are suffering from the same set of winter blues..
Have a bright, sunshiney day!
Because of this, here are some nice weather photos, just in case you are suffering from the same set of winter blues..
Have a bright, sunshiney day!
Monday, January 21, 2013
UK Skins: Because American Televison Just isn't as Cool
So, first off, I'd like to thank you guys for reading this blog! I have received a lot more views than I intended to, and I appreciate that quite a lot, especially since this page is so new. I hope that you guys enjoy my attempts at writing, and if not, I would love to know what I can work on (I actually said something along these lines at the end of the campus tour I gave today, so my inner tour guide decided to resurface for this post). Also, if you have a blog you'd like me to check out, I'd love to hear about it. One of my jobs involves making phone calls for my school for five hours. During those five hours, I have two computer monitors, and Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc. are encouraged, so anything new on the internet is intriguing to me.
Lately, I have been watching the UK version of skins on Netflix. This is awesome for a variety of reasons.
1. It's on Netflix. No commercials, no waiting for the next episode, no money lost on my part thanks to my beautiful roommate and bestfriend, Danielle (pictured below), who lets me use her family's Netflix for free (and doesn't judge my eccentric taste in films).
2. It's from the UK. The accents are beautiful, the censors are low, what's not to love? My borfriend even enjoys watching it with me, mainly for all of the nudity and drama (as much as I will never admit this to him ever, he is super fun to watch Skins with).We tried to recreate this show in America to no avail. We are just simply not British and badass enough to pull it off.
3. The characters are so beautifully written. Things happen like they would in real life, and it is almost impossible (at least for me) to tell what is going to happen next.
4. The dialect and the words that they use. Shagging. Knickers. Telly. Spliff. Everytime Cassie says "wow" or "lovely", her trademark phrases. Everything they say sounds so flawless, especially with the aforementioned accents.
5. It's the one show where the writers bring in a new cast of characters every two seasons and I still love the new characters (almost, Cassie is still my favorite) as much as the originals.
6. Two of my new favorite fashion icons, Cassie and Effy. Cassie's ethereal-childlike-I-don't-care-what-anyone-thinks and Effy's dark-but-never-over-the-top styles are perfect for their characters, and perfect for their audience to draw inspiration from. Although their tastes differ greatly from mine, after watching so many episodes of this show, it's impossible not to incorporate some of their awesome style choices into my own wardrobe.
Basically, this show is ridiculously addicting, and you should definitely check it out! I am almost through Season 3, and it is still amazing.
Lately, I have been watching the UK version of skins on Netflix. This is awesome for a variety of reasons.
1. It's on Netflix. No commercials, no waiting for the next episode, no money lost on my part thanks to my beautiful roommate and bestfriend, Danielle (pictured below), who lets me use her family's Netflix for free (and doesn't judge my eccentric taste in films).
2. It's from the UK. The accents are beautiful, the censors are low, what's not to love? My borfriend even enjoys watching it with me, mainly for all of the nudity and drama (as much as I will never admit this to him ever, he is super fun to watch Skins with).We tried to recreate this show in America to no avail. We are just simply not British and badass enough to pull it off.
3. The characters are so beautifully written. Things happen like they would in real life, and it is almost impossible (at least for me) to tell what is going to happen next.
5. It's the one show where the writers bring in a new cast of characters every two seasons and I still love the new characters (almost, Cassie is still my favorite) as much as the originals.
6. Two of my new favorite fashion icons, Cassie and Effy. Cassie's ethereal-childlike-I-don't-care-what-anyone-thinks and Effy's dark-but-never-over-the-top styles are perfect for their characters, and perfect for their audience to draw inspiration from. Although their tastes differ greatly from mine, after watching so many episodes of this show, it's impossible not to incorporate some of their awesome style choices into my own wardrobe.
Basically, this show is ridiculously addicting, and you should definitely check it out! I am almost through Season 3, and it is still amazing.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Internet Things (that don't require sound)
For one of my on-campus jobs (I am also a tour guide), I work in my school's communication office, making phone calls and chatting online with prospective and current students. Fun stuff. As mentioned in a previous post, at this particular job, my computer has two screens, one for job-related things, and one for fun (well, it's actually to look up information about our campus, but when that isn't taking place, I mainly use it to entertain myself). In fact, I am typing this post as I make phone calls. Because of this, I am an internet entertainment expert (minus porn, not really into that). Since my work computer doesn't have sound, I am usually forced to read online articles and partake in other activities that don't involve noise. Here are a few of my favorites.
This game is so ridiculously easy and mindless, I can pair it with other things like daydreaming, making phone calls, and talking to my cubiclemate, Dakota, without a whole lot of difficulty. It's pretty self explanatory too, Bubble Shooter- you shoot bubbles. can't be any simpler than that.
Zooey Deschanel is a beautiful human being. We all know this. Her website is even more beautiful, if that is actually possible. A lot of her contributors are freelance writers, and all of the articles on this website have Zooey's cutesey-yet-hipster flair that she is known for.
Why does this website entice me so? Well, it covers a crazy variety of topics, ranging from Aladdin to parties to Chicken Little to living alone. While doublechecking the accuracy of this link, I couldn't resist reading through a few articles, including one titled 11 Reasons Not to Throw a Party at Your Place (which you can find HERE).
One of my camp counselor friends runs a blog, and it is so envy-inspiring.Not only is she completely goregous, she also has wicked fashion, music, and life taste. Speaking of camp, this tumblr is the best one that I have found that covers camp-related topics
People send in their secrets on postcards anonymously. What could be more intriguing than that?
(Your blog here)
Put it in the comments, and I will definitely take a look at it. I am always looking for new things to read on the internet.
This game is so ridiculously easy and mindless, I can pair it with other things like daydreaming, making phone calls, and talking to my cubiclemate, Dakota, without a whole lot of difficulty. It's pretty self explanatory too, Bubble Shooter- you shoot bubbles. can't be any simpler than that.
Zooey Deschanel is a beautiful human being. We all know this. Her website is even more beautiful, if that is actually possible. A lot of her contributors are freelance writers, and all of the articles on this website have Zooey's cutesey-yet-hipster flair that she is known for.
Why does this website entice me so? Well, it covers a crazy variety of topics, ranging from Aladdin to parties to Chicken Little to living alone. While doublechecking the accuracy of this link, I couldn't resist reading through a few articles, including one titled 11 Reasons Not to Throw a Party at Your Place (which you can find HERE).
One of my camp counselor friends runs a blog, and it is so envy-inspiring.Not only is she completely goregous, she also has wicked fashion, music, and life taste. Speaking of camp, this tumblr is the best one that I have found that covers camp-related topics
People send in their secrets on postcards anonymously. What could be more intriguing than that?
(Your blog here)
Put it in the comments, and I will definitely take a look at it. I am always looking for new things to read on the internet.
Friday, January 18, 2013
The Other Three Things that Amaze Me
Sorry that this post was massively cut down and split (and yes, I realize that this doesn't add up to ten, I just didn't want to split this into three posts). My laptop and this website are conspiring against me to shorten my lengthy posts, so it won't let me publish unless I split up my appreciation ramble. If you want this post to make any sense, please read the previous one.

Fashion and the people bold enough to test out the trends. Thankfully, unlike my uberChristian small hometown, my college town is very liberal (which makes sense, it being a college town and all), especially when it comes to fashion. People show up to classes with capes, no shoes, and crazy crazy outfits. I love it. Peoplewatching here never gets old. Plus, I can wear my rainboots when it isn't raining and no one gives me weird looks. Gnarly.

Speaking of rainboots, or puddlejumpers, as I wish they'd be called, they are another aspect of life that never fails to bring a smile to my face. Who doesn't love jumping in a giant puddle. It's such a freedom and I love the releasing of inhibitions and invincibility that happens when my feet hit the water.

When a song or a movie (for all of you film buffs) or a book or a work of art or whatever reaches out its paint splattered fingers and clasps onto your soul. Chilling. Brand New's In A Jar definitely fits the bill for this one. All of their songs are lyrical and everythingelse-ical perfection, but this one tops all of them for me.
Life in general, specifically, and all together completely astounds me everyday. I am a lifer through and through, and I will never stop being amazed by everything, popular film professor be damned. Maybe I just don't watch enough films (something I might be willing to change, if you know of any that are worthwhile).
What are things that amaze you? Leave them in the comment box, I would love to know.
Fashion and the people bold enough to test out the trends. Thankfully, unlike my uberChristian small hometown, my college town is very liberal (which makes sense, it being a college town and all), especially when it comes to fashion. People show up to classes with capes, no shoes, and crazy crazy outfits. I love it. Peoplewatching here never gets old. Plus, I can wear my rainboots when it isn't raining and no one gives me weird looks. Gnarly.
Speaking of rainboots, or puddlejumpers, as I wish they'd be called, they are another aspect of life that never fails to bring a smile to my face. Who doesn't love jumping in a giant puddle. It's such a freedom and I love the releasing of inhibitions and invincibility that happens when my feet hit the water.
When a song or a movie (for all of you film buffs) or a book or a work of art or whatever reaches out its paint splattered fingers and clasps onto your soul. Chilling. Brand New's In A Jar definitely fits the bill for this one. All of their songs are lyrical and everythingelse-ical perfection, but this one tops all of them for me.
Life in general, specifically, and all together completely astounds me everyday. I am a lifer through and through, and I will never stop being amazed by everything, popular film professor be damned. Maybe I just don't watch enough films (something I might be willing to change, if you know of any that are worthwhile).
What are things that amaze you? Leave them in the comment box, I would love to know.
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