Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Krewella and Fall Out Boy?

As most of you know, Fall Out Boy is my favorite band of all time (hence the blog title). Krewella, as many of you probably don't know (unless you are in my group of friends at college), is my friend, Erich's favorite EDM (electronic dance music) group.

They are collaborating.

We are both scared and excited. It could be crazy amazing, or just downright crazy. I guess we will just have to wait and see. This link is the teaser that was release (just a warning, the sound quality is awful).

Sunday, April 28, 2013

I Wrote More Postcards Than Hooks, I Read More Maps Than Books...

College lets out in about a week, and after that I am in my hometown until mid-June, when I will be heading off to become a camp counselor on the East Coast. Until then, I am going to have buckets of time on my hands. In order to keep myself occupied, I have compiled a list of book that I need to read. it's a weird mix of "literature" and those feel-goods where the couple stays together in the end. Here it is:

A Clockwork Orange- Anthony Burgess
Back When You Were Easier to Love- Emily Wing Smith
The Boy Who Couldn’t Sleep and Never Had To- DC Pierson
Bearded Women- Terrie Milbrodt
Dark Places- Gillian Flynn
Eleanor & Park- Rainbow Rowell
The Secret Lives of Gay Men-Ryan O'Connell
Bonfires- Alexander Helmke
The New Age Camp- Chloe Caldwell
Gates of Paradise- Melissa De La Cruz
Lunch In Paris- Elizabeth Band
Just One Day- Gayle Forman
Less Than Zero- Bret Easton
Love and Other Perishable Items- Kerry Winfrey
On The Road-Jack Kerouac
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest- Ken Kesey
The Glass Castle- Jeanette Walls
Easy- Tammara Webber
Hopeless- Colleen Hoover,
 The Sea of Tranquility Katja Millay
The Coincidence of Callie and Hayden-Jessica Sorensen.
Lola and the Boy Next Door- Stephanie Perkins
Isla and the Happily Ever After- Stephanie Perkins
Small Damages-Beth Kephart
Twice Told: Original Stories Inspired by Original Artwork- Scott Hunt
Struck By Lightning-Chris Colfer
The Dice Man- Luke Rhinehart
The Future of Us- Jay Asher
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test- Tom Wolfe
The Realm of Possibility- David Levithan
Love is the Higher Law- David Levithan
I Wrote This For You
The Tragedy Papers- Elizabeth Liben
Slaughterhouse 5- Kurt Vonnegut
Choke-Chuck Palahniuk
Franny and Zooey-J.D. Salinger

Friday, April 26, 2013

Carry This Picture

Carry this picture for luck. Kept in a locket,
Tucked in your collar, close to your chest.
Make it a secret, shown to the closest friends.

And meet me at quarter to seven,
The sun will still shine then, at this time of year.
We'll head to the inlet. And we'll share a bottle there.

And color the coast with your smile
It's the most genuine thing I've ever seen.
I was so lost, but now, I believe.

And follor me south of the big docks, where they tether the boats,
And the rich men revere as so important, they hire our fathers to steer.

And down to the edge of the water,
Where we'll spill our guts,
And we'll name our fears. I'll give you this picture.
Kepp it and don't be scared.

And color the coast with your smile.
It's the most genuine thing I've ever seen.
I was so lost, but now, I believe in the coast,
Your smile is the most genuine thing I've ever seen.
I was so lost, but now, I believe

Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Very Own MLIA (My Life is Average) Moment

For those of you who don't know, there is a website called My Life is Average where people submit short stories about 'average' things that have happened to them. For example:

Today, I went to Buffalo Wild Wings with some friends. We walked over to the jukebox and proceeded to put on "The Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats. As the song came on, while we were dancing, an employee comes up to us in a serious tone and asks who put the song on. My friend steps in front and says that he did it. The employee immeadeatly holds up his hand and gives my friend a Hi-5. New favorite resteraunt? I think so. MLIA 

Deep down, I always wished for my own MLIA moment. Yesterday, that wish was granted.

Today in Queer Lit class, my friend and I put N'Sync's Digital Getdown music video/song on the projector before our professor came to class. Some annoying kid turned it down and said that the song was stupid. Halfway through the song, our professor walks in and asks why there is an N'Sync song playing. We tell him that we are trying to relive the 90's. In response, he puts on Say My Name by Destiny's Child, turning the volume back up to the top. MLIA

And just because I could never truly believe some of these stories, here is photographic proof.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I used to be a loyal Spotify and Pandora user. Between the two music sharing website-things, I was able to get my fix of songs that I already know, as well as some new ones that I have grown to love. However, Spotify keeps crashing on me for some reason which I cannot seem to figure out. This leaves me with no choice but to find an alternative.

8tracks. 8tracks is a weird combination of Spotify and Pandora, a place where users make and share playlists. When I click to listen to a playlist, I know the general genre, but not the exact songs. It also keeps playing whatever song you are listening to as you peruse the website, one of my favorite features.

Here are a few of my favorite 8tracks mixes.

Life is a Four Letter Word: http://8tracks.com/evertheless/life-is-a-four-letter-word

Classical Dubstep:  http://8tracks.com/docellis/classical-dubstep

The Happiest Playlist Ever!!!!: http://8tracks.com/heikidd17/the-happiest-playlist-ever

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

100th Post

As cliche as a 100th Post is, here is my 100th Post post. Thanks to everyone who reads this, and to Maria, who helped me to realize that yes, my comment button does work.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Giant Mechanical Man

Gotta love Netflix. I went back through the quirky and witty sections, and ended up watching The Giant Mechanical Man. It was so amazing and awkward and real. I loved it. It also has an interesting pretense; the leading man is one of those painted street people (I forget what the correct term is). Also, Topher Grace (Eric from That 70's Show) is in it, as well as a few random folks from Gilmore Girls.

It is definitely a fun movie to watch, especially with all of the recent events going on in the world. It's weirdly inspiring.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Birthday Extravaganza Weekend

This weekend was Danielle's, Maddie's, and my Birthday Extravaganza. Every year, the weekend before the weekend before exams, we celebrate all of our birthdays together and give each other presents (since all of our birthdays are after college lets out). Maddie had me for our gift exchange, so she gave me a spoon necklace and all of this really awesome friendship bracelet string. Look at all of those colors, the possibilities are endless.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A while ago, my old roommate Lauren and I got into a huge fight and she ended up moving out of my room. I hadn't seen her since, which was kind of heartbreaking since she was one of my best friends.

 A week ago, she contacted me and asked me to hang out. I had some qualms about it, but decided to hang out with her anyway. I had already lost her as a friend, so what else did I have to lose? As weird as it is, things between us weren't weird at all. We went to our school's cafeteria and hung out for an hour, talking Fall Out Boy (which is cool because none of my other friends really understand them like Lauren does) and life over Chinese food. It was super fun, and we are probably going to hang out again soon, which I am really excited about.

Who says that second chances don't work? Definitely not me.

Lauren and I last year.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Let the Countdowns Begin...

13 days until the Pierce the Veil, All-Time Low, You Me At Six, and Mayday Parade concert
15 days until exams are over
28 days until the Fall Out Boy Concert
and 56 more days until I board the plane for camp

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

DJ Slingshot

Last weekend, all of my friends and I went to go support my friend Erich (DJ Slingshot), while he DJ-ed. Due to a large throng of sorority girls, he didn't win, but we all had fun anyway. Here are some of our pictures.

                                                (Danielle, my roommate, and I)

(From Left: Dan, Danielle, me, Erich, Shrillz, Christie, Maddie)
(Me and Erich/DJ Slingshot) 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Camp Questions

A few days ago, while going through my camp's (I guess that I can call it that now, since I've decided for sure that I'm going there) Facebook page, I found a counselor that goes to my college. Most of them come from Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, or different parts of Europe, so it was nice to find someone from my area.

I messaged him, and we met at Starbucks. Beforehand, I was completely freaked out, since his profile was very nondescript, but he was a cool guy. Props to everyone who can online date/ go on blind dates, it is scary as hell. We ended up talking for three hours, and he answered every question that I had and then some that I hadn't even thought of before. It was great.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Jimmy Eat World

Jimmy Eat World is coming out with a new album, Damage, on June 11th. I am crossing my fingers that they tour near me, but in the meantime, here is the track listing..

Book of Love
I Will Steal You Back
Please Say No
How’d You Have Me
No, Never
You Were Good

 Here is their first song, I Will Steal You Back. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Knife Party

This blog post is a little different that what I usually discuss on here, but it is something that i feel needs to be said, so here it is. Sometimes, I come to the realization that I am extremely naive. Last night was one of those nights.

A lot has been on my mind lately, so I decided to walk around my college's downtown area (if you can even really call it that because it's so small). After an excessive amount of cat-calls and creepy comments, I decided to call it a night and head back to my residence hall.

I walk alone a lot at night, usually because I like to leave parties early. When I tell people this, they say something along the lines of "you shouldn't do that, you're asking for trouble/that's really dangerous". However, when a guy walks alone, he is generally not bothered (at least not to the extent that women are). I understand that the world is not perfect, and there isn't really a whole lot I can do to remedy this situation, minus locking myself in my room at 7pm.

Here's what really grinds my gears though. Recently, I acquired a knife that I carry around with me in my pocket when I walk around alone at night in order to defend myself, due to all of my nightwalks. Keep in mind that lots of guys carry knives, even during the day, and no one says a whole lot about that. But when I mention this to anyone, I swear this is what they see

No. No. No no no no no. Definitely not. I am not going to turn into a slasher/murderer just because I have a weapon. I am then asked why I don't just carry around pepper spray or a rape whistle. Maybe because sprays have a tendency to go bad and not work, and how is a whistle (if you can even muster up the breath to blow it) going to help, especially if you are in an out-of-the-way area? I mean, come on, how many rapes/killings/muggings happen in an area where a rape whistle would actually be beneficial? Very very few.

A knife, however, is easy to grab, and is useful in most situations. Also, the attacker will most likely be caught off-guard by the fact that a woman is wielding a knife, giving her an advantage. Who wouldn't want those odds?

Sexism is still alive and well. I would like to be as well. Oh, and this happened, which was pretty awesome. Gotta love people who appreciate self-preservation.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Tattoo Tuesday

My parents aren't fans of tattoos, aka the understatement of the year. They think that they are stupid and tacky (unfortunately for me, since I have one on my ankle). In their honour, I present to you the most awesome tattoo photos that I could find on the internet.

Fall Out Boy Friday

Today is Fall Out Boy Friday, and Fall Out Boy has put their album out on the internet. It takes a few listens to fully absorb, but it is definitely worth it. Have an awesome weekend!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Camp Choices (Last One)

So....I have chosen to work at my dream camp on the east coast this summer!

There are so many different levels of excitement being felt right now, I can barely contain myself(Hence all of the exclamation points)!!!!! My parents have chosen to support me (despite my dad's earlier anger at my decision to apply to camps that are farther away).

I am super afraid to travel by myself for the twenty hour bus ride, but I am still in love with the idea of working at this amazing place.

Oh, and I have no clue how to pack enough for an entire summer while riding a bus. Any pointers and/or tips would be fantastic!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

John Green

John Green has pretty much always been my favorite author. Ever since Looking For Alaska, aka the best book ever (and my favorite). He is also has some of the best quotes ever. Here are a few for your enjoyment.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Family Easter

These may or may not be a few weeks late..

(Both of my sisters, one of my cousins, and my Oma)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Andrew's Angst

Regardless of the genres of music you listen to, Jack's Mannequin is one of those bands that you just kind of have to love. Their song I'm Ready (off their album "Everything in Transit") is no exception. Especially because, about two-thirds of the way through the song, Andrew MacMahon stops singing and goes on this weirdly entertaining 'thing' (for lack of a better term).

(I wake up to find it's another
Four aspirin morning, and I dive in
I put on the same clothes I wore yesterday.
When did society decide that we had to change
And wash a tee shirt after every individual use:
If it's not dirty, I'm gonna wear it.
I take the stairs to the car
And there's fog on the windows.
(And I'm Fighting the words...)
I need caffeine in my blood stream,
I take caffeine in the blood stream.
I grip the wheel and all at once I realize:
(And you're getting away...)
My life has become a boring pop song
And everyone's singing along.)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Camp Choices

Over the past week or so, I have narrowed my camp options down to two choices, a camp close to my hometown and my dream camp located near the east coast. I was leaning super heavily towards the one on the east coast because they would be letting me work with the arts and hopefully with teen girls, while the other camp would have me taking photos (which I am not very skilled at and don't really want to do).

I was all for choosing my dream camp until they said that I couldn't leave one or two days early (in case I am hired on as a resident adviser). Thankfully, after I gave up that job, the art director called me and said that she would rather have someone like me on staff and have me leave a few days early, aka I am free to choose once again!

Life is swell!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Can We All Just Take a Moment to Appreciate This Album?

Because who doesn't love Jimmy Eat World's Bleed American? It is definitely one of my favorite albums, and every song on it is perfection. It's also fitting for this weird spring-ish season and the slightly angsty end of my sophomore year of college.

I was going to write a list of reasons why this album is so epic, but it started looking like the album listing...

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thailand 2

     About a week ago, I wrote about the opportunity that I received to go to Thailand and help out with learning camps. The guy who asked me about it never e-mailed me back, and I was starting to think that he never would.

Then today when I was eating lunch with Dan (we are now on civil, friend terms), this vaguely familiar looking guy comes up to me and asks me if I remember him. I say that I do, because saying no to that question is never a smart idea. Then he starts introducing me to all of these Thai people and talking about camps and it clicked.

So basically, the guy is still completely on board to go through with this, and also told the Thai people that I am "amazing" and "will go places", which was super flattering.

I hope that all of your days were this awesome!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cassandra's Angel

When I came home for Easter, my mom found our copy of Cassandra's Angel (By Gina Otto), which is my favorite children's book ever. Not only does Cassandra have pretty much my name, she also completely lives my little kid life. People are constantly criticizing her because she thinks outside of the box and is always chillin' like a villain while all of the adults around her are super tight laced.

The book's message is incredibly inspiring, aka I will definitely be reading it to my campers this summer. The pictures are also spectacular, and I am a sucker for interesting illustrations.