Monday, February 18, 2013

Every Dotcom's Refreshing for a Journal Update

     I thought that after today, I'd be done with stress for a while. Ha. Haha. No.

     Oh well, at least I tried. I had two of my camp interviews yesterday and found out that I am on the alternate list for becoming a resident adviser (aka I have to wait an indefinite amount of time to figure out whether or not I will become an RA). Therefore, the stress is nowhere near over. Which sucks.

However, there are some bright sides. I hear from a few of the camps that I interviewed with this weekend, which will be interesting. I absolutely fell in love with one of them, even though it'd be an eight hour drive and they don't offer travel assistance. But the thing is, you can't fake that kind of chemistry. I just have this lovely gut feeling that this camp is the place where I'm supposed to be this summer.

I would also love to work at this other one that is specifically for special needs kids, and they offer travel assistance and cheap college credit. The camp that I went to as a kid really seemed to like me (the interview lady kept saying that she was "impressed with me" and that I'd be a "great role model", but she didn't really impress me, and I didn't feel that instant chemistry that I felt with the other two camps).

We'll see, I guess. I am still infinitely hopeful that things will turn out amazingly.
Hopefully, all (or at least most) of the camps that I apply to will hire me, and I can make a pro/con list on here. That would be fantastic. Oh, and I am hanging out with Henry tomorrow. No complaints here.
I don't know where I found this picture, but this post needed photos and this picture describes my life in the weirdest way. I feel like I'm drowning in the most beautiful of ways.

If you are stressed about anything, I hope that it turns out okay!

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