Anyway. Where Things Come Back (by John Corey Whaley) was something else. It was crazy and amazing and one of those books where you need to exhale afterwards.

It's so difficult to even explain this book, due to the crazy amount of sub plots that go on.
Some oldish guy named John Barling thinks that the "Lazarus" woodpecker (oh the symbolic irony in that name) isn't extinct, and riles up the town.
Cullen's brother, Gabriel, goes missing/runs away/you'll-have-to-read-the-book-to-find-out, and the town cares more about the woodpecker.
Benton Sage has the most crazy sad religious parents and the heavy realization that he has failed at being a missionary.
Cabot Searcy is something else, something that I cannot tell you guys without giving away the story.
And the best part is, it all comes together in the best way for the ending. The ending is so ridiculously satisfying and makes the entire book (I hate unsatisfying endings).
And at first you may be like, "well, that doesn't sound very interesting". But it is, it really is, it's just super difficult to describe. This is the book that our high school teachers should have had us read instead of Fill in this blank with a book you hate (The Scarlet Letter, etc.)
Read it. Read it. Read it. Your life will be better, or something.
This is totes next on my list of books to read. It sounds reminiscent of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (I may be way off base, but just allow me to think that) which is my favorite book.