Monday, March 18, 2013


As many of my friends will tell you, I love profanity. I curse like a sailor. In fact, pirates have nothing on me. Here's the reason, I genuinely love cursing. As an English major, I am in a constant love affair with words, from poetry and 'high-brow" literature to dialects and made-up words (aka real words that Webster hasn't approved of yet, such as puddlejumpers (rain boots).

A lot of people tell me that using profanity makes me sound ignorant and tacky. Maybe it does. Whatever. I am capable of employing scholarly diction alongside the educated individuals of modern day civilization/society. It's not difficult to crack open a thesaurus. However, it takes a true word lover to pull off cussing.

My favorite word in the English language is the F-bomb. (Unfortunately, I gave up all of these words as a part of Lent, a religious custom that I celebrate, so I will only be alluding to them in this post) It can be used as any part of speech, the best a word chameleon. Amazing. ****ing amzing. Everything sounds more powerful with a nice F bomb in front of it.  And sometimes, when you stub your toe or spill coffee on your laptop (like I just did), a perfectly uttered/scoffed piece of profanity can be a beautiful thing. Deep down, I truly believe that swearing upon one of these instances can decrease the pain of the event.

Basically, as long as you use these words in their proper context (i.e. not in front of an employer or young child), and not to hurt anyone else, I say, go for it (Unless, of course, someone really screws you over. In that case, release the cursing kraken!).

Thankfully, at the end of March, I will once again regain my ability to use the amazing words as often as I please and the situation will allow.

Have a *$&#@ awesome day!

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