Saturday, March 23, 2013

My Attraction Theory (Three COMM classes and Suddenly I'm an Expert)

I would like to propose a theory on how to attract males (I am going to say males because that's how I roll, but feel free to fill in if females are your thing).

Don't want a relationship. Don't want involvement from the opposite/same sex. Or, at least tell yourself that enough times until you believe it.

Apparently, it's that simple. Or at least, it is for me. Over the past two days, I have had about four guys either hit on me or tell me they like me, which is crazy (I swear, I am not that cool.). For various reasons and gut feelings, all of these men have been or will be turned down. But, why do they like me?

The answer is not a complicated one. Because I am not into them and because I am awesome. Since I am not into them, I can say whatever I feel like saying without caring all that much about what they think. When I am with Henry, I feel the need to watch myself, and make sure that every single move I make is "cool" enough. With these other guys, I already feel good enough, which gives me room to just be myself, whoever that is. Also, I am the best of both worlds; I like someone enough to appear committed (people are often attracted to people in relationships because they are unattainable and more at ease with themselves), but in reality, I am still single.

I cannot really be in a relationship right now. Spring semester of college is almost over, and I am hopefully heading over to the east coast to work at camp this summer. I also need to work out my love affair with drama that I discussed in my previous post before I can navigate a relationship.

Disclaimer: I would just like to say that I know that this post sounds super cocky, and it totally is, sorry. This does not happen to me on a regular basis, and I am still kind of amazed by it. Also, I am super flattered by all of the guys, and am doing my best to not lead them on, because that would be super super mean.

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