Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's Not Even My Birthday

After stepping outside of my dorm today and not being able to see my own breath, I realized that spring was (almost kind of) here! Besides the amazing weather and dramatic increase in the amount of time everyone spends outside, the best part about the beginning of spring is that it means my birthday is coming!

Birthdays are the best. Without fail. Since I am still at the age where growing old is cool, I see birthdays as a fun way to celebrate life, while acquiring free things, eating fancy people food, and hanging out with friends, whether it's my birthday or someone else's.

Every year for my birthday, I like to listen to songs that have my age in them. Here are some of those songs (I genre-hop for these, since it's usually the poppier songs that mention ages)

15. (Fifteen-Taylor Swift)

16. (You're Sixteen (You're Beautiful and You're Mine)-Ringo Starr)

17. (Edge of Seventeen- Stevie Nicks)

 18. (Soco Amaretto Lime- Brand New)

19. (Nineteen-Teegan and Sara)

Etc. I have probably missed tons of songs, feel free to add any in the comments! Also, if it's your birthday or near your birthday, Happy Birthday! (If it's not, Happy Un-Birthday!)

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